Bryker Woods Physical Education
The Best School in Our Town

1st Nine Weeks

During the 1st Nine Weeks we have been off and running.  The year was kicked off with a Nutrition unit.  The kids learn to value what they choose to eat.  GO FOODS are my anytime foods, SLOW FOODS are my sometimes foods.  And WHOA FOODS are my every once in a while foods.  Along with food we are learning that the food pyramid focuses on physical activity.  The fitgram  physical fitness test is part of the 3rd-6th grade curriculum.  All students learn about the fitness components which include muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardio endurance, and flexibility.  We are now learning about the cardiovascular system and how exercise along with healthy foods will help my overall fitness.
It's not all about health, we do play everyday.  We have been mastering all kinds of throwing skills such as underhand toss, overhand throw for power and accuracy.  We have added in a little underhand roll and throwing a lead pass.   If your going to throw a lead pass you had better learn to catch it.  That's a 4th grade objection that is very challenging.  That's how we find our future longhorns!!!!  However, it all begins with a simple toss and catch.  Now that the weather is cooling down, we can take it outside and add a football or frisbee.  We have introduced jump rope as a 1st semester goal.  By Winter Break hopefully everyone will want a jump rope and work out over the holidays.  Stay tuned for photos to be added of our current unit.

Fruits and Vegtables

My body loves fruits and vegtables.  I try to eat 5 a day.

My Heart Pumps Blood

My heart is a muscle.  It loves to play, jog, bike, jump rope, and swim.

My Lungs Breath Oxygen

My lungs breath in oxygen and blow out Carbon Dioxide.

2nd Nine Weeks

WOW the 2nd nine weeks is quickly upon.  We started jump rope 1st semester and everyone is showing improvement daily.  Along with jump rope, rhythms comes in the form of  a little dance for the older kids.  3rd grade is learning the Cotton Eye Joe and 4th takes on the Schottische.  They will all be ready for a wedding dance or something.  5th and 6th learn line dances.  They all really love to cut loose with the cha cha slide and cupid shuffle.  That will continue to serve as a great fun warm up to our basketball unit that is soon to start.  
Our tobacco awareness health unit always stirs up a lot of great conversation.  What's important is they learn some true basic facts that will hopefully help them make good choices when the time comes.  We will be starting bones soon so let use those study guides. 

Tobacco Awareness

Just Say NO.  Tobacco is hard on your heart and lungs.  Second hand smoke is just as bad.  The best way to stop smoking is never start!!! 

Smoking leaves behind TAR in our lungs.  I cannot get enough OXYGEN because of this.  My HEART becomes stressed when I am breathing smoke.

Jump Rope Fun

Bones     Bones     Bones     Bones







HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011.  I can't believe how quickly the school year is flying by.  We have hit the ground running since coming back to school.  We have alot to do before we can take a break and skate.
Our health related subject kicks off with muscle knowledge and flexibility.  Staying flexible  will enable us all to do our everyday activities without pain and stay injury free.  The students must know the name of the muscle they are stretching, giving flexibility even more meaning.  Stretch as a family at home it will help everyone feel better.
Our primary age students K-2nd are coming to the gym  on both physical education days as well as music days.  Ms. Long and I are team teaching some really fun favorite dances and busting some new moves.  Kindergarten and 1st grade will be hosting the FAMILY DANCE NIGHT.  I'm sure you have heard about it by now.  This event in another way to promote family fitness for everyone, as part of our district CATCH program.   The pictures clearly show the joy that dance and music can bring to your life and health.  Gymnastics is right around the corner for these primary age kids.
Our secondary students have already completed their rhythm unit and we have jumped right into gymnastics.  The gym transforms every morning with stations including tumbling mats where we can display routines involving rolls, balances, and weight transfer skills such as a cartwheel.  We spring into action off a springboard performing agility jumps.  So if at bed time you see knee slappers or seat kickers being displayed you might want to buy a mini tramp.  The kids take it one step further when they spring over the vaulting table with some side vaults or cartwheel vaults.  The balance beam allows us to test our style and grace while elevated yet safe.  The ropes, cargo net, and climbing wall is fun and promotes the ever so important muscular strength needed to be a gymnast. 


Gymnast At Work

 Muscular Strength              Inverted Balance             Agility Jumps

       Balance Beam            Muscular Endurance             Flexibility

6th Grade Pyramid Building


Spring has sprung.  Now it is the busy season with field trips, TAKS, fitgram testing, track meet and the famous Water Days.  I can taste the Jim Jims now!!!!  Before we get to excited we do still have some work to be done.  Here's what it all looks like.
    We are in the process of getting distict mandated Fitgram Testing underway.  The pacer has been run by most of us prior to spring break coming off our skating unit.  Our cardio was at a high and we wanted to record at our peak.  We will be tackling muscular strength in the first few classes.  That means sit up and push up test.  We will finish up with flexibility of the leg and back area.  Fitgram testing is for all 3rd-12th graders in our district.  We hope to send home reports of your childs fitness scores and you can then work on areas of improvement all summer long.
    Along with fitness, we will start soccer.  Our kids have quite a range of skills in soccer.  At school we just try to introduce all types of physical activity choices so kids can decide if they want to pursue more involvement in any given area.  So you will see all ages down on the lower field dribbling, passing, and shooting their way to being fit and having fun.
    After soccer, we will begin our striking unit.  The students will gain experience with striking implements such as batting, tennis, hockey, and even golf if we have time.  There are tons of summer camps to sign up for if any of these strike a interest.
    Then we will be getting ready for the great BW Track Meet between 3rd-6th graders and a Water Day for all!!!!
    Our health unit will sum up the final fitness component muscular strength and muscular endurance.  We will then spend the majority of our discussion on summer safety tips such as harmful sun ray knowledge, water safety, pedestrian safety, sports injury prevention, and bike safety.  We want every child to come back to Bryker Woods safe after a fun filled summer of being physically active.